Erika Bezzo: “I’m an expat, but a European. I hope that Turin will think big”

Turín from the viewpoint of an expat coach

From Madrid, Erika Bezzo tells us about her years abroad: eight moves in sixteen years, previously involved in marketing and communication, and since 2011, as a strategic and intercultural coach.

As a strategic and intercultural coach, I help people to achieve their own objectives. This requires the ability to adapt, to be flexible and to have an open mind. All these skills can be learnt", reports Erika Bezzo to the editorial staff of

In her video, edited on the blog, given by the Gruppo Giovani Imprenditori of Turin to the city, Erika Bezzo explains what has led her abroad, what her work is about and how she sees Turin viewed by an expat.


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Read the articles on Expats and the world of Intercultural Mind

Coaching sessions can be held in Italian, French, Spanish, German and English.
Write to Erika Bezzo for any information regarding ChangeXperience services