24 October 2024 Coaching everywhere in the world

Tag: Coaching

ChangeXperience - Erika Bezzo - Is moving away the same as overcoming one’s own limitations?

Is moving away the same as overcoming one’s own limitations?

Whoever decides to move away and start their life over again elsewhere, on personal initiative or because she chooses to follow her partner, decides to leave their comfort zone, leave what she knows to go to something new and, quite often, into the unknown. This first decision is sometimes taken instinctively, other times after long, pondered thought, and in some cases, it is one taken out of necessity, while on other occasions, it is out of a will to change or to improve one’s life.

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ChangeXperience - Erika Bezzo - Return to the country of origin: an unexpected shock

Return to the country of origin: an unexpected shock

After some years abroad, for some the time comes, by choice, by contractual obligation or for personal reasons, to return to the country of origin. Ostensibly, what can be more natural than going home, back to the family atmosphere left behind years before? One thinks of taking up one’s life exactly where it was interrupted, but that is not the case.

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ChangeXperience - Erika Bezzo - Two strategies for managing anxiety abroad

Two strategies for managing anxiety abroad

Generally speaking, when we decide to move abroad, it is because we have a hope or a dream: a dream of a better life, of a more interesting job or of a better paid one, of being able to carry out a professional or life project.
Sometimes, once we have arrived at our destination, we realize that the difficulties that we face are greater than our expectations, or that the times to make our dream come true are further away than expected.

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