The differences create value

Intercultural communication - The differences create value

Article published in Corriere d’Italia

The association Italia Altrove di Düsseldorf has organized a seminar, at the VHS in Frankfurt, on intercultural communication, with a view to highlighting the psychological and intercultural aspects of the migratory experience in Germany.

The reporter, Alice Lacchini, a transcultural psychologist, and Erika Bezzo, expert in intercultural communication, explained to the participants how the migratory experience exerts an influence both in the psychological perception of the new social environment, and in the retrospective view of the country of origin, two facets that interact in the process of adaptation and integration in the new socio-cultural reality.

The complexity of the psychological aspects of the migratory experience has been explained in the course of the interview given to Corriere d’Italia.

How "Italy Germany: the differences create value" was created

Intervention by Erika Bezzo: "The idea arose from being partners in this association, Italia Altrove, created, among other reasons, to encourage the integration of the new Italians in Germany, providing yet another instrument, explaining to them what it means to be uprooted from their own country to be completely immersed in a new culture.
As far as I am concerned, I think it is important to emphasize what the practical differences are that affect us in our daily lives, in other words, the differences in communication, the differences when it comes to working, the way of interacting with people, with specific examples of how situations can be seen from two different points of view, German and Italian, although both are fair and correct.

Read the full article on Corriere d'Italia

Read the articles on Expats and the world of Intercultural Mind

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